What Unites Us? Author Self-introduction

by | Sep 18, 2023 | Blog

My name is Robert Daniel. I am the author of this blog, a professional educator, and the founder and owner of a small venture called Daniel Learning Services. I want to introduce myself and my blog with the three Great Questions that Dr. Montessori made the basis of her education curriculum: Who am I? Where did I come from? and What is my purpose on this Earth?

                    I am an educator by profession, dedicated to the Montessori theory of learning and certified in adolescent level.  I was born and raised in Toronto in 1970. I moved to the U.S.A. early in my twenties and proudly became an American citizen and settled in New Hampshire in 2016. I am currently a Doctoral student in Montessori educational leadership at the University of Wisconsin.

I have three Master of Arts degrees – one in history, from the University of Toronto; one in Political Science with an education policy subfield, from Boston University; and I also have a Master of Arts in Education, from Western Governors University. I am trying to start something new in education for young adults. But this blog is also about how education – and Doctor Montessori’s vision of peace through education – relates to major modern-day issues.

I want to share some of my own beliefs, but with two very important caveats: First, I do my best not to use labels. Labels are a mental trap. Secondly, I do not expect people to adopt my beliefs. This blog is not about teaching and preaching. It is about re-opening the door to freedom of belief and expression.

Civilization depends on respectful, reasoned discussion, and acceptance of diverse opinions. In fact, civilization depends on HAVING a diversity of opinions.

     I believe strongly that human beings have rights, which are universal to every single one of us, and that we must respect those rights for everyone 100% of the time. I believe in the maximum freedom of personal choice and action for everyone, as long as one’s actions harm nobody. I believe that human beings should be kind and decent to each other. But we do have a right to defend ourselves and each other when necessary.

I find the truth in philosophies which validate human rights and the fact that we are unique individuals. I find Marxism and Postmodernism to be catastrophically flawed doctrines. Reality is observable and knowable. Because humans have the capacity to observe and to reason, we can learn and know reality with ranges of certainty. Certainty is possible, but we must be vigilant against certitude. Certitude is the belief that there is no possibility of being incorrect. I believe that certitude is at the core of most of what is wrong in the world today.

I embrace differences, for three reasons: because I think diversity is a great thing, because we owe each other respect, and for the practical reason that diversity is the reality of our world.

     So, where do I fit into this mosaic of diversity? I’m male and my gender is heterosexual. My cultural heritage is Ukrainian on my mother’s side and Welsh on my father’s side. I’m irreligious. Politically, I reject the false dichotomy of Republican or Democrat and I don’t align with either of those parties.

All of the points of view expressed above are my own. They don’t have to be yours. Freedom of speech is a human right that all of us, and especially those of us who are teachers, MUST respect. You are as valid a human being as I am, whatever you believe. I embrace our differences. So if you are with me and want to work towards re-establishing civilization and sanity in our world, please read the pilot blog: What Unites Us?” and give me your frank reactions and disagreements.